Understanding GraphQL Mutations

Posted on: Jul 8, 2024 Written by DKP

GraphQL has revolutionized the way we interact with APIs by providing a flexible and efficient approach to querying and mutating data. While queries are used to fetch data, mutations are the means to modify it. In this blog, we'll dive deep into GraphQL mutations, explore the concept of transactional updates, and discuss how to implement rollbacks to ensure data integrity.

What are GraphQL Mutations?#

GraphQL mutations are operations that allow you to create, update, or delete data. Unlike queries, which are idempotent (they can be called multiple times without changing the result), mutations are meant to cause side effects on the server.

Basic Mutation Example#

Let's start with a simple example of a mutation to update a financial transaction:

mutation UpdateTransaction($id: ID!, $amount: Float!, $status: String!) {
updateTransaction(id: $id, amount: $amount, status: $status) {

In this mutation, we pass the transaction ID, amount, and status as arguments to update the transaction details. The response includes the updated transaction information.

Implementing Mutations in a Server#

Here’s how you can implement the above mutation in a Java server using Spring Boot and a mock data source:

// Transaction.java - Entity Class
public class Transaction {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;
private double amount;
private String status;

// Getters and Setters

// TransactionRepository.java - Repository Interface
public interface TransactionRepository extends JpaRepository<Transaction, Long> {}

// TransactionService.java - Service Class
public class TransactionService {
private TransactionRepository repository;

public Transaction updateTransaction(Long id, double amount, String status) {
Transaction transaction = repository.findById(id)
.orElseThrow(() -> new ResourceNotFoundException("Transaction not found"));
return repository.save(transaction);

// TransactionResolver.java - GraphQL Resolver
public class TransactionResolver implements GraphQLMutationResolver {
private TransactionService service;

public Transaction updateTransaction(Long id, double amount, String status) {
return service.updateTransaction(id, amount, status);

// schema.graphqls - GraphQL Schema
type Transaction {
id: ID!
amount: Float!
status: String!

type Mutation {
updateTransaction(id: ID!, amount: Float!, status: String!): Transaction

type Query {
transaction(id: ID!): Transaction

Transactional Updates#

In a production environment, mutations often need to be part of a transaction to ensure data consistency. A transaction is a sequence of operations performed as a single logical unit of work. If any operation within the transaction fails, the entire transaction is rolled back, leaving the database in a consistent state.

Transaction Example with Spring Boot#

Spring Boot provides strong support for transactions, making it easy to implement transactional updates in your GraphQL mutations:

// TransactionService.java - Service Class with Transaction Management
public class TransactionService {
private TransactionRepository repository;

public Transaction updateTransaction(Long id, double amount, String status) {
Transaction transaction = repository.findById(id)
.orElseThrow(() -> new ResourceNotFoundException("Transaction not found"));
return repository.save(transaction);

In this example, we wrap the mutation in a transaction. If any error occurs during the update, the transaction is rolled back to ensure data consistency.

Rollbacks in GraphQL#

Rollbacks are crucial for maintaining data integrity, especially in scenarios where multiple mutations are involved. Implementing rollbacks in GraphQL involves using transactions provided by the database or ORM.

Handling Rollbacks#

To handle rollbacks, ensure that each mutation is wrapped in a transaction. Here’s a more complex example involving multiple updates:

// TransactionService.java - Service Class with Complex Transaction Management
public class TransactionService {
private TransactionRepository repository;

public Transaction updateTransactionAndLog(Long transactionId, double amount, String status, Long logId, String logMessage) {
Transaction transaction = repository.findById(transactionId)
.orElseThrow(() -> new ResourceNotFoundException("Transaction not found"));

Log log = logRepository.findById(logId)
.orElseThrow(() -> new ResourceNotFoundException("Log not found"));


return transaction;

// TransactionResolver.java - GraphQL Resolver
public class TransactionResolver implements GraphQLMutationResolver {
private TransactionService service;

public Transaction updateTransactionAndLog(Long transactionId, double amount, String status, Long logId, String logMessage) {
return service.updateTransactionAndLog(transactionId, amount, status, logId, logMessage);

// schema.graphqls - GraphQL Schema Update
type Mutation {
updateTransactionAndLog(transactionId: ID!, amount: Float!, status: String!, logId: ID!, logMessage: String!): Transaction

In this example, we update both a transaction and a log entry within a single transaction. If either update fails, the transaction is rolled back, ensuring that partial updates do not occur.


Understanding GraphQL mutations, transactional updates, and rollbacks is essential for building robust and reliable applications. By leveraging transactions, you can ensure data consistency and integrity, even in the face of errors. Implementing these practices in your GraphQL server can help you avoid common pitfalls and provide a better experience for your users.